Respecting Readers’ Time

Maryan Pelland’s Easy Table of Contents — START HERE

Save time! Find my stuff by topic with this list — the only pinned story


Image by Viktor Von from Pixabay

Scroll down this index to find my stuff quickly and easily so you can read more and search less. You can click “Lists” on my home page, too. Save lists you like and get email notifications of new stories.

About Me!

This is where I came from, how I grew, and why I love life. Remembering and treasuring days gone by.

My Lists

Each curated list allows you to see every story I’ve published on a given topic or subject.

Stories about

We all spend a lot of time here and have had a lot of questions. If you’re looking for answers about this awesome platform, try this list.

Grammar, Language, and Writing Tips

I’ve been a professional writer for over 50 years, so I learned a LOT from some kickass (literally) editors. Happy to share to help you grow your audience.

Human Creativity

Stories for, by, and about humans and the creativity that puts joy in our world. Maybe one is about you!

Stories that Make a Difference

Writings from some of the most impressive writers on Medium. A few are my stories, but most are from you people I read daily.

Veterans and Military — People who serve and sacrifice

My family members have been in military service since the American Civil War. In this list, you learn how America treats them—the good, the bad, and the appalling.

Make Money Writing

The longest and most popular list. You can pick up secrets that will increase the return you get from your writing no matter where you write.

Artificial Intelligence vs. Human Intelligence — the humans are still on top

I’m passionate about this. You can find out what’s happening in this controversial space and how humans will triumph. Important stuff for every creative worker.

News Stories We Can’t Overlook

Annotated essays about controversial stories that often get overlooked. You’ll never be bored, and you might be stunned.

Tools — not the human kind

Stories I’ve saved for myself because they solve problems that stumped me. I’ll bet you find an “Aha!” here.

Living Every Moment

Heartfelt, funny, or scary moments from life — often tagged “This happened to me.” I love writing these. You’ll like reading them.

World Travels

My most recent topic. I’ve been all over the world in weird ways and in strange places. A bellbottom- and bead-wearing old hippie’s backpacking take on going places.

Food as Entertainment

Never know what you’ll find to read in here. Some recipes, a dozen uses for banana peels, how food plays into sex. Sometimes I just think odd things.

Stuff that Keeps Me Sane

In a turbulent life, we all need grounding, especially me. These are the down-to-earth coping strategies that can really work for you.



Maryan Pelland, Woman with a Pen

Background in journalism and a passion for helping others find their voice, I'm dedicated to the craft of writing. Real Insight! is my Medium publication.