PinnedMaryan Pelland’s Easy Table of Contents — START HERESave time! Find my stuff by topic with this list — the only pinned storyJan 3, 202431Jan 3, 202431
Published inE³ — Entertain Enlighten EmpowerDoomsday Clock Analyzed — a Symbolic Warning of Impending Doom and the Reality CheckThis week, an avalanche of clickbaity stories followed the reset of the Doom Clock — but what does it really mean to you and me?Feb 314Feb 314
From Clueless to Master Chef: How Do You Learn How to Learn Cookery?Before you can learn how to cook, you need to know where and how to get that knowledgeFeb 110Feb 110
Published inPen2ProfitAn Open Appeal to Some of the Finest Writers I KnowI am not above beggingJan 318Jan 318
Very Quick Post with a Sparkling Idea for Members Over 65 Years Old!I have project in mind to empower writers of a certain ageJan 269Jan 269
Published inCrow’s Feet: Life As We AgeHow This Old Woman Figured Out that Safety Trumps Ego Every TimeThe day I recognized that being strong and independent meant knowing when I needed helpJan 2413Jan 2413
Published inPen2ProfitThe Agony and the Ecstasy: Or How I Stopped Torturing Myself and Actually Finished a DraftThe writer’s challenge: a growing pile of unfinished drafts. The cure? A simple proven way to complete every writing projectJan 2211Jan 2211
Published inPen2ProfitWho the Hell Needs Yet Another Facebook Group?Well, depends on what the group’s purpose is and how much you value your writing lifeJan 214Jan 214
Published inAll About MBreaking News: Substack and Medium Remain Blissfully IndependentNo matter what you hear, they aren’t in collusionJan 137Jan 137
Published inPen2ProfitFrom Ho-Hum to Best-Seller: Mastering the Art of Irresistable StorytellingActionable strategies to power up any kind of storytellingJan 103Jan 103